Becoming a parent is an exciting time, but there is a lot to think about. Life is very different once you are a new mum, dad or carer, and your priorities will change. Leaving the house is a little more difficult and there’s a lot more to do and plan for as your baby grows and changes. Learning their habits and getting to know them is an amazing experience but there are things that might happen along the way you hadn’t planned for.
There is a lot of support available to you in Kent and Medway.
One of the services that you might find helpful is the Early Help service. It is a service designed to help you to resolve problems and is available at any stage in your child’s life. Early help will help you with problems like:
- Child behaviour
- If you’re struggling to cope with any aspect of being a parent
- Concerns about money
- Emotional problems like grief or bullying
- Problems in family relationships
- Issues around school.
The help you can get depends on your family needs and you will receive an assessment and agree on a plan of action.
Born to Move app
Kent parents may find the Born to Move app a useful way to help you understand more about your baby’s development. It helps you keep your child active, develop their understanding and use of language and record those amazing milestones as they grow. You can start using it as soon as you find out you are expecting a baby and it’s designed to be used until your child starts school.