Birth Facilities

At Maidstone Birth Centre we offer a midwife-led service. The centre has a comfortable and homely environment and active birth is encouraged with birthing balls, bean bags, birthing stools, and a pool room for water births. There is a kitchen/diner to make drinks and snacks and the post-natal rooms have en-suite facilities and double beds for partners to stay.

The Birth Centre also offers antenatal and birthing sessions, breastfeeding support and drop-in sessions and newborn infant physical examinations (NIPE).  

Latest Covid-19 update Latest Updates - Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust (
Visiting hours Patients and Visitors (
Online referral Maternity Self Referral Form (
Equipment provided
  • Birthing balls
  • Bean bags
  • Birthing stools
  • Pool room for water births
Pain relief offered
  • Pools for waterbirths
  • Hypnobirthing
  • Aromatherapy 
  • Acupuncture for pain relief
  • Gas and air
  • TENS machine (available for a 6-week loan (from 36-42 weeks) including the machine, pads and spare batteries)
  • Pethidine or similar pain relief can be used for pain relief
  • Sterile water injections
Interpreting service If you need to use an interpreter when you visit the birth centre for an appointment, please contact the number on your appointment letter to arrange this.
Car parking Car Parking (
Tour of unit/video tour Maidstone Birth Centre Tour - Facebook